Címlap Pécs In English PTE will be a...
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The students and teachers of the Faculty of Art of the University of Pécs (PTE) will be presented as special guests with their own pavilion at the ARTfair Innsbruck international art fair in Austria this weekend.

According to the PTE Faculty of Art, a group of almost 20 exhibitors, including faculty and students, will be present at the 27th edition of Austria’s largest art exhibition.

The participation of the Faculty of Arts of Pécs at ARTfair Innsbruck 2023 is of particular importance because only one education faculty can participate in the exhibition, and because the faculty presents artistic productions that are rarely shown in such a complexity.

Under the patronage of János Árpád Pótápi, Minister of State for National Policy and Katalin Szili, Prime Minister’s Senior Advisor for Autonomy Affairs beyond the Border, the 200-square-metre Pécs pavilion will host more than 100 works of fine and applied arts, and the event will also feature several performances by music students of the Faculty.

According to Péter Lengyel, Dean of the Faculty, the Pécs faculty is unique in the country that „represents the entire cross-section of artistic life with its music, fine arts, applied arts and dance departments”, and therefore the international presentation is „inspiring and important for its students”.

(Photo: artfair-innsbruck.com)