Cikkünk frissítése óta eltelt 9 hónap, a szövegben szereplő információk a megjelenéskor pontosak voltak, de mára elavulhattak.

On November 5th, Sunday, starting at 7 AM, you can embark on a journey through the most beautiful landscapes of East Mecsek, starting from Szászvár.

Enthusiasts of the woods can choose from multiple distances. The short route covers 15 kilometers, the medium one is 24 kilometers, while the long route winds through 36 kilometers among the trees dressed in golden attire.

At the start, individual participants receive textual descriptions and maps for orientation.

Along the hiking route, refreshment points await participants with muesli bars and water. Organizers kindly request everyone to bring their own mugs and glasses. At the finish line, you’ll be treated to hot tea, mulled wine, and a platter of fatty delicacies with purple onions.

Those who complete the hike will receive a badge and a certificate.

Due to the early sunset, everyone is urged not to venture far and to return to the starting point before dusk. Furthermore, participants are reminded to arrive with a fully charged mobile phone, so that they can seek assistance from the organizers in case of any issues. The hike will proceed even in case of inclement weather.

Additional Information About the Hike:

Berki László: 0630 6786188,

Hang Csaba: 0630 650 5418,

Vidák Sándor: 0630 9975 159


Szent István Community House

7349, Szászvár Szent István Street 33.