Cikkünk frissítése óta eltelt 12 hónap, a szövegben szereplő információk a megjelenéskor pontosak voltak, de mára elavulhattak.

Since 1989, we have celebrated Hungarian Culture Day on 22 January. This is to honour the memory of Ferenc Kölcsey, who on this day in 1823 finished his poem Hymn in Cseke, based on the examples of „the Hungarian people’s stormy centuries”.

The anniversary is an occasion to pay more attention to our traditions and roots, to strengthen our national identity, and to display and pass on the material and spiritual values that remind us of our past.

Top four cultural places in Pécs

1.Museum Street – a street of galleries, museums and exhibitions

2.Kodály Centre – a venue for classical concerts and galas

3.Pécs National Theatre – a multiplicity of performances

4.Zsolnay Cultural Quarter – cultural programmes