Winter is here, what will happen to the e-scooters in Pécs?
Frost can be very dangerous
Állati karácsony lesz a Pécsi Állatkertben
Izgalmas és kihagyhatatlan programokkal várnak.
PTE still the greenest Hungarian university
Let's keep this good habit for next year.
Pécs programme guide for the Advent season: mulled wine, donations and Advent spirit
So many opportunities at the end of the year.
Tegyük az ünnepeket még pirosabbá az országos véradónapon!
Egy véradással akár három életet is megmenthetünk.
Palkonya delicacies are waiting for us during the magical second weekend of Advent
Let's also visit the vineyards of Palkonya during Advent.
Let’s make the holidays even redder on the national day of blood donation!
One donation can save up to three lives.