Címlap Pécs In English Exercise at a...
Cikkünk frissítése óta eltelt 9 hónap, a szövegben szereplő információk a megjelenéskor pontosak voltak, de mára elavulhattak.

You can run or walk at one of the highest and steepest points in the Mecsek, all in the spirit of preserving the Clean Mecsek and the love of sports.

On Sunday, October 23, starting at 10 AM, the most daring can go up and down the Misina Ski Slope at an event organized by FutaPécs, an association of amateur athletes in Pécs.

The goal of this sporty day is not competing, but spreading the joy of exercising together.

The curious paricipants can complete a lap, which equals 1 kilometer. But the determined ones can take on 3 or even 5 laps on the ski slope.

Organizer: FutaPécs SE

Date: October 23, 2022, Sunday

Start: 10 AM

Event Center: Misina Ski Slope

For more information about the event CLICK HERE.