Cikkünk frissítése óta eltelt 9 hónap, a szövegben szereplő információk a megjelenéskor pontosak voltak, de mára elavulhattak.

19 Zsolnay works worth 63.7 million forints will be up for bidding at the winter auction of the Judit Virág Gallery on 16 December. No other Zsolnay has ever been sold for this amount, with the Roman-style giant vase starting the auction at 15 million forints.

This is a lonely, unassociated masterpiece that teeters on the border between historicism and art nouveau, and with its creativity and technical perfection it exudes self-confidence

the auction’s brochure quotes István Törő, co-owner of the Judit Virág Gallery.

The vase is estimated at between 30-40 million forints.

The vase is 61.5 cm high and 45 cm in diameter. Two of them were made, one of which is in the collection of the Janus Pannonius Museum.

More information can be found here: