Cikkünk frissítése óta eltelt 6 hónap, a szövegben szereplő információk a megjelenéskor pontosak voltak, de mára elavulhattak.

During the tour, visitors can view the exhibited objects with the expert commentary of the exhibition curator István Komor, and get an inside look at the background processes that prevented the opening of the exhibition in September 2010, as well as the most exciting events of the exhibition’s expansion in the period since then.

Exhibition manager is István Komor.

The Golden Age of Zsolnay – Collection of László Gyugyi

The event is free of charge for PTE staff and their families, but registration is required (after entering the Neptun/EHA code and password, you can access the registration area by clicking on the login button in the top right corner of the page). If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. In this way, they can ensure that additional staff members and their family members will be able to take up the places available! They recommend using the pte e-mail address, as this is the only way we can guarantee feedback on the success of your application.

Date: November 11, 11 hours

Location: Zsolnay Negyed

They reserve the right to change the programme.